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Welcome to

Skills City


Skills City is a unique, digital skills powerhouse transforming talent diversity across the North West, London, and West Midlands.

It provides leading digital technology Skills Bootcamps and with backing from the Department for Education (DfE), Skills City fast-tracks over 1000 people into technology careers every year.

Open to all, Skills City is for people from even the most diverse of backgrounds who wish to upskill, retrain or launch a tech career in areas including Cloud Security, Cloud Engineering, Data Analytics, Game Engine Development or Design, and AI Driven Software Engineering.



Our Learners

Whether you're a graduate, career changer or looking to get back into work, you're not alone.

Find out about our alumni and how a Skills Bootcamp changed their lives.

Apply For A
Skills Bootcamp

If you are interested in one of our Skills Bootcamps, follow the button below and apply today to fast-track your tech career!

If you are unsure which course is for you, simply contact expressing your interest and one of our dedicated team members will be in touch with you to help find the perfect course for you.

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